There are many worthwhile benefits to putting your dog through obedience training. In addition to your dog’s behavior improving, you will be a better owner. The tips below can help you train your dog correctly. Continue reading to find out how to properly train your dog.
Crates need to be treated as the dog’s second home. You should put their food in the crate when they eat, but leave the door open. They’ll build a positive view of the crate this way.
There are a few tricks you can try when attempting to crate train a puppy or dog. If the dog doesn’t want to go inside the crate, put a rawhide bone in there and shut the door. They will see and smell the bone and will want you to let them in there to get it. After your dog goes into the crate, give positive reinforcement to increase the chance that he will go into the crate again.
Try to walk in your dogs shoes before you criticize them. It is easy to get frustrated with your dog if they are not learning very basic things quickly or at all. Try putting thinking like your dog would, rather than quitting. This could help you overcome training hurdles.
Do not tie a couple of dogs closely together. If chains get intertwined, the dogs can get hurt. If two dogs’ chains become entangled, it is possible that one or both dogs could experience difficulty breathing or even strangulation.
If you house train your puppy, keep in mind that everything that goes in is eventually coming back out. You can promote consistency and regularity by feeding your pet on a firm schedule two or three times daily with only the highest quality of food. Doing so helps you to learn your puppy’s schedule.
When training your dog, try to avoid reinforcing negative behavior. Don’t give your dog any attention or treats when he is being bad. If your dog leaps on you when you return home and you wish to discourage this behavior, you must ignore him and go about your business. Even negative attention from you can cause the behavior to continue.
Do not ever use a shock collar to train your dog. These things rarely work as promised, and they’re usually much more expensive compared to the traditional training methods. They can also discourage good behaviors as they inhibit your dog’s behavior too much. This technique can yield negative results.
The daily training sessions with your dog should be fun. You can build a strong bond with dog by playing with the dog, and that in turn causes positive reactions during training. Despite the fun the two of you will have during training, it is important to set aside time that is designated to enjoyment only, with no work or training involved.
Exercise your dog at least an hour everyday in addition to its regular potty breaks outside. By allowing your dog ample play time, he will be more willing to pay attention during training time. A dog is happy when it gets it exercise and a happy dog follows orders.
Positive Reinforcement
Always make use of positive reinforcement when it comes to training your dog. Give your dog positive reinforcement if they do a good job. You should never yell at your dog, or physically harm them. This doesn’t work well and only succeeds in teaching your dog that its master is out of control. Always be firm, be consistent and use positive reinforcement to make your dog understand what you want from it.
When implementing discipline with your dog, monitor your tone of voice. Dogs can easily sense how their owners or trainers feel. Talking sternly is a good tone when you are teaching discipline.
House training a puppy can be frustrating, as accidents are going to occur on occasion. Make certain the accidents are cleaned up immediately, so your training efforts cans stay on course. Animals are inclined to eliminate repeatedly in spots where they can smell urine or feces, and carpets require special care. You can buy a spray or carpet shampoo that will remove the odor.
As you can see by now, there are many benefits to dog training. Applying the guidance in this piece can actually make puppy training fun. You will start to enjoy training time and working together.
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