How To Train Dogs The Easy Way

TIP! Make sure your dog is eating a healthy diet. If your dog isn’t getting what he needs from his diet, he will have a hard time concentrating during training.

All dogs need training, both to teach them useful behaviors and to discourage them from unwanted ones. This article has some helpful advice on how to train your dog.

TIP! When attempting to house train your pup, keep in mind that whatever goes in, must go out. To have your dog on a consistent bathroom schedule, have him or her eating quality food about two or three times every day, at the exact same time.

When you verbally correct your dog, do it quickly and concisely. Do not go on and on about how bad the dog is behaving. Say no and give them a command to do the right thing. Your tone should be stern to let them know you are serious.

TIP! Modify and update your dog’s training as necessary, so he remains in compliance with the rules. A lot of times owners thing training is a one time event.

Make certain you’re consistent when you are crate training your young puppy. When letting your dog out of the crate, be sure to immediately allow your dog to relieve himself. Eventually, they will wait until it’s the right time to go to the bathroom.

TIP! Begin training your dog with what may be easy for him to learn. You’ll make strides quickly, and your dog will quickly learn the basics of acceptable behavior.

Your dog may not learn a command right away. It may take 25-50 tries before your dog understands a command consistently and thoroughly. Keep trying the same commands until your dog remembers it for good.

TIP! Positive reinforcement is the preferred training method for dogs. You can use treats, toys, positive speech and even belly rubs.

Refrain from using higher end training gadgets, such as shock collar devices. They often do not function properly and their cost is rarely justified. Additionally, the use of devices such as shock collars can break your dog’s spirit and ruin him as an enjoyable family pet. In general, using such techniques produces negative effects.

TIP! Use your dog’s name often to ensure you have its attention. Over time and repetition, the dog will begin to understand their name and that they are being spoken to.

When giving commands to your body, your tone and volume level should remain the same. This helps your dog to understand when you are in training mode. Good consistent tones also let your dog know when tones are sharp for discipline or for a command that is not punishment.

TIP! Your tone of voice is very important when you discipline your dog. Dogs can be very perceptive and can pick up cues from their owners about how the owner is feeling.

Whenever the dog jumps upon you, grab its paws and give them a soft squeeze so they know it is not okay to jump on humans. While this will not seriously hurt the animal, it is certainly unpleasant and therefore makes a powerful statement. They learn that if they want to avoid that discomfort, they need to refrain from jumping up.

TIP! Don’t get frustrated by accidents during the potty training phase. Make certain the accidents are cleaned up immediately, so your training efforts cans stay on course.

Your training sessons should be kept short. The attention spans of dogs can be limited, and therefore it is necessary to keep training segments brief so that the animals do not grow bored and disinterested. When you want to train more, give the dog a break and come back later.

TIP! Ensure that your dog knows the rules to follow, and be consistent; this will teach it right from wrong. Everyone in your house needs to set these boundaries too.

Training methods you use should be consistent. If there is more than one person training your dog, you need to make sure all the members of your household are using the same rewards and commands. The dog will learn more easily if he learns a single set of commands and if he knows what response will be received for his behavior.

Unwanted Behavior

TIP! Treats are usually the best way to get pets to listen well when you start out your training program. Slowly, as they get older, begin reducing the amount of treats you give them until they are only given on special occasions.

You should always praise your dog for his good behavior while you are training him. Get excited, smile, and give treats to help your dog relate the good behavior to something positive. Never reward unwanted behavior as the dog will also relate the unwanted behavior to something positive as well.

TIP! Do not neglect to make a visit to the vet for a spay or neuter around the six month mark. Obedience training should be put off until this is done.

Is your dog getting the food he needs? Like kids, a dog’s mood can be severely affected by their diet. There are specialty foods available for individual dog breeds. You can try one of these if your dog’s energy seems low. Your vet should be able to recommend the right food for your dog.

TIP! Always reinforce and reward your dog for demonstrating the desired behavior. You do not necessarily need to punish the dog for errors, but you should not reinforce problematic behaviors.

The “down” command is something you should teach your dog. This command is useful to build upon, or on its own in emergency situations. A dog that knows his “down” command well can drop to the ground at a moment’s notice in a testy situation, making it a great command to keep on hand for safety’s sake.

Training Sessions

TIP! When you are adding a pet to your family, make sure that it is introduced slowly to existing pets. Consider your pet at home before adopting a new one.

Your dog should enjoy being trained by you. Training sessions need only be 10 to 15 minutes, so the dog reaps the benefits within his attention span. Vary your rewards. You should lavish praises on your dog for following your instructions. If you make training sessions enjoyable for your dog, he is going derive pleasure from listening to you, as well.

An untrained dog can be a disaster for your home. These tips will help you get ready to teach your dog how to behave the right way.

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