How To Train Your Dog Effectively

TIP! Timing is everything in dog training. While you want to devote a good amount of time to it, you do not want to go too far.

Congratulations is in order for your decision to get a new dog. It will soon become an integral part of your family. What happens now? Don’t let any bad habits get started. Begin the training that will make your dog fit in with your home life, and be a joy to have. These tips will make it easy to train your dog in just the right way.

TIP! Set a schedule and routine for feeding your dog from the very beginning of your relationship. Your dog should be fed at the same time everyday and they should only have a certain amount of time to eat.

Be sure to feed your dog healthy foods and treats. If the dog’s diet is poor, it is not good for their health. It is damaging to their health as well as making them more prone to bad behaviors. A proper diet can affect how well they react to training.

TIP! Always reward good, calm behavior. You and the dog should both remain calm.

You will have to repeat commands several times before your dog learns it. You might have to repeat the same exercise up to fifty times before your dog remembers it. Continue repeating the command patiently, and eventually your dog will understand it.

TIP! The more active your dog is, the healthier it will be. Boredom often befalls an inactive dog, or he may find himself in a “mutt rut” with a dull and listless routine.

When you are house training your puppy, remember, what goes in, must come out. Feed your dog a high-quality diet three times a day. This will give you an idea of when to take your puppy out and lessen the chance of accidents.

TIP! With patience and a handful of tasty treats, you can easily teach your pet to roll over. Initially, try to get your dog to lay on the floor.

Try to mistakenly avoid reinforcing any behaviors that are unwanted when doing dog training. In other words, you must avoid showering your pet with treats or rewards in response to performing some unwanted behavior. For instance, if you are trying to train your dog to not jump on you, you shouldn’t be petting them whenever they do so.

TIP! Dogs need an hour or more of exercise each day, aside from their potty breaks. When your dog gets adequate exercise, he can be trained more effectively and it can bring out your dog’s good behavior.

Training is an ongoing process – your dog needs to be constantly reminded of the rules! Puppy training must be practiced to maintain obedience behavior, and that is one thing that many owners neglect to remember. Like their human owners, pets truly are creatures of habit. For this reason, it is essential to make sure that your dog adheres to a clear-cut set of rules.

TIP! Water spray bottles can be used to avert bad behavior. Your dog will quickly learn that bad behaviors cause bad outcomes.

Training should begin with the easier commands. You will both get instant gratification and establish a good foundation which you and your dog can build on. Doing this will give you better results in your training.

TIP! Understand that your every action is teaching your dog and shaping his personality. Remember this if you are teasing your pet or playing with him since that can undo certain behaviors you have worked on.

One of the very first commands you should teach a new puppy is the “leave it” command, which tells them to drop an item and step back from it. This command teaches them to cease chewing on furniture or items around the house and it keeps them safe from filthy or hazardous items outside.

TIP! Always avoid offering your pet a reward for bad behavior in the hopes of snuffing out an undesirable action or tendency. This only tells your dog that it has the choice to do whatever he wants and that you are under his power.

Make sure that your dog will not need to engage in any type of response when you deny him. Instead, use positive reinforcement to encourage positive behaviors and gloss past the results that are not what you want. If you just say “no”, your dog might not understand what is acceptable. There is a difference in all dogs and training should be customized.

Use a steady and commanding tone when speaking to your dog. Dogs can pick up how you are feeling. Use a stern voice when you are correcting your dog.

TIP! Have several different treats available as rewards for your dog so he doesn’t get bored. Your dog can’t think that the treats you are giving out are just ordinary and not associated with his actions.

When house training your new puppy, accidents are likely to happen from time to time. Clean up any messes that are made immediately, so it doesn’t hamper your training efforts. Odor from feces or urine can stay in your carpet which will make your dog return to it when it wants to urinate. Many cleaning products are made just to eliminate this order, you can find them at any pet store.

Both dogs and owners are happy when the dog is well-trained. Use the advice you’ve read to start training your dog properly.

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