To have a happy life with your dog, you need to make sure that it is properly trained. Training allows the dog to know what is expected of them. With a dog who has been trained, you can be confident about leaving him at home without supervision, having guests in your home and taking him along with you in public places. It may take a lot of time, but in the end, your dog will prove to you that the training has been worth it.
When crate training your new puppy, take it in small manageable steps so the animal can become accustomed to the changes easily. Once your dog is accustomed to being in the crate, try closing the door and giving your pet a treat through the wire. Start off only putting them inside for 10 seconds, and when they seem okay with that, slowly increase the time they are inside. If your pet seems upset or agitated, you may need to slow down.
Pick a recognizable phrase to verbalize to your puppy during house training. If you use the special phrase you have come up with each time you take him outside, you will get him to focus on what he is supposed to do.
Patience is definitely a virtue when training your pet. This will prevent both you and your dog from getting angry and frustrated with the training process. Your dog wants to make you happy, but sometimes it just does not understand you.
During the earliest days of training your pet, stick with simple directives. This will help you to see the progress you are making, regardless of how small or slow it is. It will also ensure that your dog truly comprehends each step of the training process. This helps you get better results.
When training your dog, one of the first commands they should be aware of is the “drop” command, which lets them know they should drop any items they have in their mouth. This simple command is beneficial in making him stop on chewing furniture inside the house.
When a dog jumps up on you, grab its paws with your hand and lightly squeeze to let them know that it is unacceptable behavior. It is uncomfortable but a non-painful experience for the dog. If you do this, they will not jump up on your or visitors any longer because they will think about you squeezing their paws.
The important thing to understand about puppy training is that it is about setting a precedence of what is expected from the relationship. The two of you will get so much more from each other once you figure this out. You must continue to reinforce what you are teaching your dog. Always keep a close eye out and do not hesitate to enforce proper punishment on any violations of the designated rules. Once your dog is able to understand the basics, you and your dog are limitless as to what tricks and behaviors can be achieved.
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