Training your dog is a critical part of rearing a canine, and is one of the wisest things that you can do. Your efforts will be rewarded in years to come because you will have an obedient dog who knows and loves his position in the family. This article contains helpful information on why it is important to train your dog.
If you in the crate training phase of your training program, you can use a few techniques to speed it up. If they are hesitant about the crate, you can put a nice chew bone inside and shut the gate while they are not in it. They’ll know the bone is in there and will want to go inside and get it. Once they go in the crate, praise them so that they know they did well.
Timing is crucial when you train a dog, so you need to spend an adequate amount of time training them, but not too much. Begin with a short session training and increase the time daily. Watch to see if the dog’s attention begins to fade during sessions.
Chew Toys
Teething can be painful which is why your puppy chews on things, so always give him a choice of chew toys to keep him from getting into trouble. Immediately replace it with one of his designated chew toys. If your puppy seems to be suffering a lot from teething, a frozen washcloth to chew on can give him some relief.
The first thing to do when training a dog is to establish that you are in control. Your dog must understand that you’re in control, so that he knows to obey and respect you. Never allow your dog pull on the leash while you are on a walk.
As you train the dog, patience is essential. This will reduce anger, stress and tension when you train your dog. Keep in mind that your dog aims to please you, however, it does not understand your language, so it takes time for it to learn what you expect.
In addition to regular walks and puppy training sessions, you should make time to let your dog exercise for at least one hour every day. When your dog gets enough exercise, training sessions are usually more effective and produce faster results. Dogs that exercise are happier and more responsive.
Unwanted Behavior
Praise your dog often so that they look forward to training sessions. Get excited, smile, and give treats to help your dog relate the good behavior to something positive. Never reward unwanted behavior as the dog will also relate the unwanted behavior to something positive as well.
It is never a good idea to provide a reward for bad behavior when attempting to end a particular negative behavior. This only makes the dog more likely to do those bad things again. For example, this occurs when you give a dog a treat every time it makes loud noises.
If you want to take your dog on a trip, take all necessary items. Items like food and water bowls, bathroom bags and paper towels are important in having a very relaxing ride. Items like food can be left at home. Simply purchase some when you reach your destination.
Guarantee that your dog can tell right from wrong within all situations. Everyone in your house needs to set these boundaries too. These inconsistencies can cause significant setbacks.
Consistency is one of the most important requirements for effective canine training. Make sure everyone involved in your dog’s life uses the same commands that you do. Also, make sure to be on the same page regarding rewarding good behavior and never rewarding bad behavior. If different people are responding differently with the dog, it will make training difficult and confuse the dog.
As mentioned earlier, time spent in puppy training is time well-spent. Poorly trained dogs cause stress and damage, which will make both you and the dog miserable. By learning the tips here, you will choose wisely and help your pet become a lovable animal.
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