When you are just entering the process of puppy training, any tips can be extremely useful. The following advice can help start you and your dog get on the right path.
There are few effective ways to approach the matter of crate training your puppy or dog. If your puppy doesn’t like being in his crate, put a dog treat or chew bone in it and close the door to keep him out. Your dog will want the bone and will be unable to resist entering the crate. Upon entering the crate, praise your puppy to make sure it knows it did a good job.
Specific feeding habits should be established with your dog. Train your dog to understand that the food bowl will be removed 10-15 minutes after you have fed him. This will help get him on a schedule. Shortly, the dog will start finishing their food well before you plan to take the dish away.
Treats are necessary when teaching a dog fancy tricks like rolling over. The first step is to teach your dog to lay. Then, hold the treat over your dog’s head and swipe it above and around his head, causing him to roll over. His nose will follow the treat, naturally making him roll over. Whenever your dog does actually roll over, say “roll over” out loud. Repeating this over time forms a mental association in your dog’s mind that eventually causes him to roll over on command. This may take time, so don’t become frustrated.
Shock Collars
Avoid costly training tools such as shock collars. These devices are expensive and do not always work as well as you would expect them to. In addition, shock collars and some similar items can actually discourage your dog from practicing good behavior. In short, using techniques like this could have negative effects.
Don’t extend training sessions. Since dogs do not have a long attention span, short lessons will prevent them from getting bored. If you desire to do a lot more training, be sure to give your dog breaks in between training sessions.
Accidents are bound to happen while housebreaking your puppy. Clean accidents as quickly as you can. If your carpet begins to smell like urine and feces, your puppy will believe that it is the right place to potty and return to it again and again. There are a number of products that will get rid if the smell. Look for them at your favorite pet store.
Your dog’s grooming needs are a key part of training. Weekly or monthly grooming may be necessary for breeds with longer hair; other breeds may be satisfied with a bath only occasionally. A happy dog is a clean dog, so to train him, he must be groomed.
Each and every thing you and your dog do together is forming his behavior and personality. You might be reinforcing bad behaviors without even realizing it, for instance by playing with your dog or by acknowledging its barking. You want to really mold your pet by working towards a desired behavior.
Canine training, through tips like these, is a fun and helpful hobby. With these tips, you can approach dog training with a little experience under your belt.
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