Puppy training is hard! However, to make sure you are happy with your new pet, you must train him properly. You need to always use positive reinforcement to train your pet. Two important puppy training concepts are patience and consistency. Plan on spending at least 20 or 30 minutes a day training your puppy, because it will not be receptive for a longer period of time. If you go for longer, he will be much less responsive.
When training a puppy to use a crate it is important to take your time and start with only a few steps at a time. Once they have grown accustomed to being in the crate with the gate open, try closing the gate and feeding them small treats through the crate. Begin with small intervals, and work your way up to longer times. If the puppy becomes upset, you may be progressing too quickly.
Timing is everything in dog training. While you want to devote a good amount of time to it, you do not want to go too far. Start out training for just a few minutes each day and work up to half an hour or so over time. Note how far into the training session your dog loses his attention span. That’s the time to quit.
Make sure you remain controlled when rewarding your dog. When your dog does commands correctly, they get a treat. Though you might be satisfied with this type of accomplishment, excitement may lead to your pet having diminished control over the situation. Stay calm and expect the same from your puppy.
Dogs can concentrate on one thing intensely and you will have to learn to break his attention. With enough repetition, your dog will focus on other things less and less, opting to wait for signals from you.
Don’t expect your dog to learn a command the first time you say it. It’s very likely to take many repetitions of one command in order for your pup to fully understand it. Be patient and say the same command in the same way each time. Your dog will learn eventually.
As you train the dog, patience is essential. This keeps everyone happy and frustration at bay. Your dog wants to make you happy, but sometimes it just does not understand you.
If your dog is jumping on you, grab his paws with your hands and gently squeeze them to deter his behavior. It is uncomfortable but a non-painful experience for the dog. Since it is so uncomfortable, they’ll avoid jumping on people.
Training Sessions
Use short training sessions. Dogs can’t concentrate for long periods of time, so long training sessions are pointless. If you want to do anymore training, let the dog have a play break for stretching and relaxing before continuing with their training.
Continue training your dog throughout its life to make sure that its good behavior persists. Just because your dog isn’t a puppy, it doesn’t meant his learning stops. When you work with your dog consistently to produce the best behaviors, you help your dog to remain healthy and happy. Discipline will keep him in line.
Watch the tone you use when you discipline your dog. Your dog can usually tell how you are feeling. A dog will realize that a stern tone means that he is being disciplined.
Following the tips contained in this article can help to make training your dog a much easier job. You will see that you will have a nicer and safer pet. Using the tips and tricks offered above can make the harrowing task of training your dog a whole lot easier, especially if you are patient and consistent.
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