The book Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer Course was authored by professional dog trainer Adam Katz and is available for online download as an e-book. The book has as an added bonus other resources bundled together for a complete dog training and obedience guide. This can be further investigated in the Product Specifications Section. The book is also available offline as a physical book. This version can also be bought online at
When you encounter dog problems then the book by Adam Katz is the perfect resource. Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer has a wealth of information for the fast resolution of dog behavior and obedience problems. It handles all anti-social behavior exhibited by dogs which can often have you mortified.
Once you purchase “Secrets of a Professonal Dog Trainer” you immediately gain access to a private, members-only area in the “Dog Trainer On Demand” discussion forum, where you can get help from Adam and the team of canine behavior experts.
The Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer book, dog obedience club and website were found in a recent poll of unbiased individuals, their comments and articles to be an effective training remedy for proper dog training and the correction of behavior problems. Check out the website for solutions to simple and common problems.
Typical dog obedience training clubs on the market do not completely address all the common issues that may be present when trying to train your dog. This one is different and is a complete answer to your training needs. It can assist with current problems with your pet dog or even teach you the best training methods to use when trying to train your dog.
The author Adam G. Katz is the founder of the South Bay K-9 Academy, and is the founder and owner of
Adam also runs the $10K Dog Trainer Challenge. See Website
There is great content in the 316 formatted pages or the 151 page e-book called Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer. In addition to the downloadable e-book and hardcopy book there are all other dog training books included. There are six other resources on dog training and obedience included as a bonus.
Features in this ebook include:
- Dealing with all types of dog training issues
- Secrets to help with the everyday training of your dog
- How to choose a dog and raise the dog whether it is a puppy or older dog
- Endless consultations and help through the member’s section with access to the private discussion forum
- K9 training video and picture demos to speed up learning plus step-by-step tutorials
The obedience training for canines information provided is reputed by the website to be utilized by many top dog trainers around the globe.
Many more dog training tips can be found in the Dog Training/Obedience area of the site DogTrainingCompare. Visit the Dog Training Product Industry Reports for all the advanced training assistance you may need with many techniques and methods to learn.
View a complete industry report on: Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer by Adam G. Katz.