Before thinking of buying a horse you must first learn how to train a horse. Horses can be easily intimidated and this would make him difficult to handle. Assuring that it is completely relaxed is the first step. A relaxed horse is easy to lead by a trainer than an aggressive one. It is also dangerous to deal with an aggressive horse. A lead rope and the right halter is needed if the trainer wants to lead the horse with patience. Rushing a horse would make him agitated and hard to handle.
Using the lead rope, touch the horse lightly. The lead rope must be crossed to the back and the hindquarters. Try walking along with your horse. Never force the horse to walk with you. Observe your horse if he will follow you by trying to step to your left or to your right. If it doesn’t let it wander about for a while. Doing this would make the horse calm, unafraid and he would easily follow your instructions.
Training the horse in unfamiliar environment would help make him interested in the training rather than making him too comfortable to just one surrounding. Try including sharp turns, forward movements and back-ups in your training and maintain the abrupt stop by pulling it back. If the horse still refuse to follow, you can try grabbing his attention by putting some pressure on its nose.
You have to understand the horse carefully before you get down to training it. Every horse has its individual characteristics and the training has to be adapted accordingly. They are highly responsive to the moods of the trainer. If they feel you are nervous or in a hurry it would unsettle their nerves too and would be very difficult to train. Relax the nerves of the horse first before you start with the training. An aggressive horse is indeed exhausting to train and it might leave you disappointed and your horse more bullheaded.
Deal with horses with enough care and patience. Once they understand that you do not mean them harm they will follow you like a puppy. By your actions, expressions, tone etc you have to convey this to the horse. You should keep your attitude loving towards the horse and you shall easily be able to train it. Make the horse familiar with the rope and its movements to make it feel comfortable with it and not get sacred. Learn the tricks of how to train a horse and take one step at a time patiently.