Guide For Purchasing a Warm Dog House For Your Loving Dog
Many first time dog house buyers are a little overwhelmed by all the options out there. It can be hard to determine what a dog house really needs. This first thing you will need to determine is if you really need an outdoor dog house for your pet.
A dog that has always lived inside will not want to move outside no matter how nice the doghouse. Since dogs are very social animals they will probably want to stay near you indoors. While your dog may not live outdoors you may want to buy an outside dog house which can give your dog shelter if they need to spend a short time outdoors.
There are some dogs, including guard dogs, which will need to live outdoors all the time. Dog houses for these types of dogs must be very sturdy and have additional comfort. It does not matter how long a dog is used to being outside always make sure you check on him often to make sure he is safe.
A larger dog house will not always provide more comfort for a dog. This is an important point for those who live where the weather gets cold. When a dog house is too large your dog will not be able to produce enough body heat to warm up the dog house. The ideal size of an outdoor dog house is just big enough for your dog to turn around comfortably and lay down without touching the sides. The door should have enough room to allow your dog to enter it without scrunching down.
The floor of the dog house should be several inches off the ground to prevent water and moisture from entering. Bedding can be made from straw which is changed regularly. The roof should be sloped to allow snow to slide off. Some of the chemicals used in pressure treated wood are harmful to your dog so it should not be used for any part of the dog house that your dog comes into contact with. Be sure your dog is built for the weather conditions before you move your dog outdoors. Many of the smaller breeds are not hardy enough to live outdoors while working dogs can better withstand harsh weather.