There has been upsurge in the popularity of potbelly pigs since it has now become one of the most sought after pets. Pet owners have heard about the potbelly pigs’ wonderful characteristics and traits plus its unique appearance.
Potbelly pigs have their origins from China and Vietnam, and they made their way to the United States by way of Canada. They were featured as companion pets and due to their unique and distinct features, people would pay astronomical sums just to have potbelly pigs as pets.
Though there are reviews that say that potbellied pigs make excellent pets, it is still wise for an enthusiast to do some research if the aforementioned pet would be compatible with one’s lifestyle. Untrained pot bellied pigs are compared by veterinarians to toddlers two years of age. You must be willing to persevere, be patient and committed to training them before you can consider potbelly pigs as pets. It’s fortunate that once they finish training, they are a welcome addition to the household because of their intelligence, amusing behavior and highly affectionate nature.
Potbelly pigs welcome training since they welcome the challenge to learn new things. They can be taught different things from house training to a few simple tricks. They are very intelligent and if you are committed to training them, then they can conform to your lifestyle. They are highly intelligent that even if they were not trained, they would mimic their owners when looking for food. By means of observation, they can open cupboards, refrigerators or rummage food in garbage areas. Just like a toddler, they can wake you up with a high pitch scream in the middle of the night if it has a want that needs to be filled.
If you are really deadest of having potbelly pigs as pets, you should be concerned about their housing. The ideal living temperature for a potbelly pig is 70 degrees whether they live indoors or outdoors. Potbelly pigs have in their natural instinct to play and root so you should set aside some place in they yard for them to satisfy their natural instincts.
For feeding purposes, potbelly pigs can eat commercially prepared foods developed for them. For variety, you can also feed them fruits and vegetables. Fresh water should be available at all times.
Potbelly pigs are social creatures so if you want to raise potbelly pigs as pets, you should devote more time to them. With the proper training and guidance, they can be wonderful addition to the household.