You may be planning to raise your dog as a show dog, but you may not be aware of what you need to know in order to be a success. This article will help you learn the ins and outs of training your dog to be best in show.
Make sure that you use a gradual process when training your dog. Begin with small sessions and increase the time daily. End the session as soon as your dog’s attention begins to stray.
The more active your dog is, the healthier it will be. Dogs can become bored very easily. Bored dogs are difficult to train. When your dog gets regular exercise, he will be much happier and will pay attention more easily. Make long walks or daily runs a part of your routine that you and your dog can look forward to.
The first thing your dog must learn is who the boss is. If the dog does not understand that you have control he will ignore your commands and act with outright disobedience. Do not let your dog walk ahead of you when you go on walks.
You can train a pooch to roll over fairly quickly if you have some treats to hand out. Firstly, have the dog lie down. Then hold one treat near his head and near the floor. Pull the treat over the dog until your hand is on the other side. They’ll follow your treat with their nose which will cause them to roll over. Each time he sways to one side, tell him to “roll over”. Keep doing this until the treat is no longer needed. Be persistent and do not give up; it might take a while but will be worth it once they learn it.
When giving a command to your dog, you should always use the exact same kind of voice and the same volume. An authoritarian tone informs your dog he is expected to obey. The dog will also know the difference when you give them discipline as opposed to a command.
Always be ready with dog treats. After all, the point of rewarding him is to show him that he is following good behavior. You will ensure that your dog knows how to tell right from wrong if you do this.
Always be patient when you train your dog. This will prevent both you and your dog from getting angry and frustrated with the training process. Bear in mind that your dog wants nothing more than to please you; however, your language is somewhat confusing to him.
Begin your training your dog session with something that your dog will be able to learn easily. This will help you to see the progress you are making, regardless of how small or slow it is. It will also ensure that your dog truly comprehends each step of the training process. This ensures your outcome is positive.
Positive reinforcement is an essential component of dog training. Use petting, positive words, and occasion treats to reward your dog whenever he does something good. Never shout towards your dog, nor ever hit or physically strike him. Not only are those things ineffective, but they are also cruel. Stick to the plan and maintain a positive attitude for great results.
Prior to training your puppy, make a bond with your dog by teaching him what his name is. Using his name frequently will teach him to respond when called. These are the commands your dog should learn before anything else. Be around your puppy a lot, so he knows to trust you. This will make him easier to train later.
Make sure you use your dog’s name often, so that he learns to associate it with paying attention to you. Use it as often as possible when you have your puppy during the first weeks, the puppy will make the connection. A short name which sounds distinct from many other words is preferable.
To conclude, having an obedient dog is obviously an extremely important thing for you and your dog. The ideas that are within this article have been proven effective in training your dog. Though some techniques fail for some dogs or owners, with any luck, the tips above will facilitate proper training of your dog.
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