There are a lot of pets people like to have, including dogs. It is common for young animals, such as puppies, to be over-curious and to inadvertently cause damage while they explore their surroundings. Read on for training tips that apply to all dogs.
When corrected your dog verbally, make sure to use sharp, concise wording. Do not rant on at length to your dog telling them how they were bad. Simply say no and direct them to what you want them to do instead. Also make sure that the volume of your voice commands their attention and lets them know that you mean business.
Consider things from your dog’s perspective. Frustration is easy during canine training. Instead of giving up entirely, you might consider trying to put yourself in your dog’s mindset. Your training will improve if you view things the way they do.
Your dog should always give you its attention when asked. With enough training, you will have your dog focusing solely on your signals.
Early in your training, teach your new pup to “leave it.” This command tells him to drop the item and step away. This simple command will get them to stop chewing on household items or furniture, and can keep them away from dirty or potentially dangerous items outside the home.
You need to be very consistent when training your dog. If more than one member of your family is training your dog, be sure all people use the same commands, rewards and discipline. Your dog will learn better if the commands are ones he is familiar with.
You need to teach your dog what is right and what is wrong. Doing this involves setting firm boundaries for acceptable behavior which all family members are willing to enforce. You must be consistent with training your dog.
Dogs need to play so always give your dog time to be a dog and to engage in normal canine behaviors. Dogs also need to be fed a healthy diet, get exercise, and be kept busy, just as you do.
Consistency is the key to canine training. Write down the commands that you use and then make sure each person who needs to know them does. Anyone needing to handle your dog should follow the same program, using reward for good behavior and taking care to never reward bad behavior. If other people are not following your training program, it can make your dog confused, which will set back your dog’s training.
When training a dog, start with giving them a treat each time they accomplish what you ask. After they get the hang of it, back off the treats and only give them a treat 75% of the time, and continue reducing treats until they only get one occasionally.
Crate Training
When you are house training a dog, you may want to use a crate. Crate training is most effective when you allow your dog out using a consistent schedule. With a little patience, crate training can make a dog very unlikely to make a mess in the house.
Utilize many different resources, including dog-training books and magazines, when training your dog. Ask other people who own the same breed of dog what training techniques worked for them. Then create a proper training program based on your learnings.
Never allow yourself to be led on by your dog. You are leading him, not vice-versa. Short leashes and good training collars make good starting points to obedience training where you can learn to keep the dog near under control. Keep in mind that you are the one who is the leader in the relationship.
Having a nice, well-kept house and owning a dog should not be mutually exclusive. Maintaining a presentable home can be difficult if you own a dog that is rambunctious or destructive, but these things can easily be rectified with the proper training. If you remember to use the advice from this article, you will be able to coexist peacefully with man’s best friend.
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