Train Your Dog To Follow Your Commands

TIP! Consistency is of the utmost importance when it comes to crate training. Shortly after you allow your puppy to exit the crate, he must be given the chance to relieve himself in the designated area.

You love the dog and your stuff, but your dog doesn’t love your stuff. Dogs don’t understand the value of furniture outside of a tasty chew toy. The piece that follows includes time-tested tactics for preventing your dog’s chewing habit.

TIP! It takes many repetitions before a dog learns a new command. It is said that a human only masters something when they do it 10,000 times, and dogs are no different, although it should take much less repetitions than that! Continue repeating the same command with patience, and eventually your dog will learn it.

Looks at it from your dog’s point-of-view. It’s easy to get mad if your dog is not doing the basic things you teach it. It might make things easier if you ask yourself what is going on in your dog’s mind. Your training will improve if you view things the way they do.

TIP! Choosing the correct crate size is extremely important. You should keep in mind that your dog will get bigger.

Make sure you feed your dog healthy food. Feeding your dog bad food is very bad for several different reasons. It can make your dog behave badly and is not good for their health. Sometimes, it is possible to improve your pet’s behavior and cooperation simply by improving the quality of his or her diet.

TIP! It is very easy to teach a pooch to roll over as long as you have some tasty treats on hand. First, have the dog lay down.

When house training a dog, keep in mind that whatever they take in, they must eventually eliminate. Feed your puppy three times regularly each day. Doing so allows you to gain a clearer picture of when your puppy might need to relieve himself outdoors.

TIP! Decide on a single phrase that you can say when house training your puppy, and stick with it every time. Whenever you take your pet outside to use the bathroom, choose a phrase, like “go potty”, so he remembers what he is there to do.

Every time you speak a command, it should be with the same tone and loudness level. Your dog will learn to recognize your tone and know they should obey. It also allows your dog to realize the differences in each command.

TIP! Give your dog more freedom as he or she gets further along in the training program. Rewarding them by showing them you trust them more will only encourage better behavior.

Choose an easily teachable action to train your dog with in the beginning. You will remain motivated if you can train it successfully right away, and your dog will get used to obeying you. This gives you greater results when training.

TIP! Exercise your dog at least an hour everyday in addition to its regular potty breaks outside. When your dog gets adequate exercise, he can be trained more effectively and it can bring out your dog’s good behavior.

Don’t overdo your training sessions, keep them brief and interesting for best results. If you try to focus for a long period of time on one command, your dog will show signs of boredom and begin to get antsy. Ten minutes is about the length of time a dog can handle.

TIP! The most successful training program is lifelong. You do not have to stop training them as a puppy.

Never allow your training sessions to run on for too long. The attention span of a dog is pretty short, so it is important to keep them interested in training by keeping the training short. Instead, have multiple, short sessions with breaks for playtime in between.

TIP! During leash training, it is necessary to ensure that the leash stays loose. Dogs generally want to explore uncharted areas anytime they get the chance.

When training your dog make sure you always get his attention in the same manner. Start each command by calling the dog’s name. This will get his attention, and then you can tell him what to do. Dogs usually respond to names immediately and they know you need them to be attentive.

TIP! Praise your dog often when training him. Get excited, smile, and give treats to help your dog relate the good behavior to something positive.

You want your dog to behave. That prevents the dog from becoming ill, and you save frustration and money. The tips provided here should aid you in developing a successful training program that yields the results you are seeking.

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