Points to looking after your pets throughout the credit crunch
Here are alist of tips most sussex vets can agree on.
The recent recession has been getting to us all, and animal shelters seem to be getting close to full with the influx of animals unable to be cared for anymore. Animal lovers are having to make a difficult decision over their pets. These are afew tips to getting you and Fido through the recession.
- First, if you dont already have a pet, do the research into having one. Pets do cost alot to look after in the long run, and you have to weigh up if you can look after one? Get in contact with the local animal shelters for a resuced animal, which needs some love more than most.
- Take out pet insurance. Its not always cheap, but it’ll be alot more cheaper than all the vet fees that you’ll have to pay in the future. Cover can cost from as little from £8 per month -shop around online and find out.
- Downgrade their food- your downgrading the brands with your food, so why shouldnt fluffy chip in for his keep? They may not like the cheaper stuff at first (thats if they even know its been swapped), but after 10 minutes of being hungry, your pet will come around.
- Neuter your pet. Taking care of one animal can be costly, but a whole litter can be too much to look after? This can help keep the numbers of animals down as the shelters cant really cope with more animals.
You’ve done these tips to try and keep hold of your pets, but sadly, what if those animal hospital bills are too much?
- Get into contact with the animal shetlers to see if they can take your beloved pet.
- Phone round your relatives and friends to see if they would take your pet in (just have loads of excuses ready to drop by to see your furry friend).
- Include an ad in the classified section of a local newspaper to see if someone will adopt your pet.