If you are getting a new cat, one of the most important first decisions you will make is which cat food to feed them. Your cat food selection should be made carefully since it has a lot to do with your cat’s health and longevity. It can be overwhelming to make a cat food selection since there are literally hundreds of options on the market today.
What To Look For In Cat Food
When it comes to dry cat food, it is important that you choose one to meet your cat’s specific life stage. In case you are buying food for your new kitten ensure the food is for kitten and not for adult cat. As your cat approaches adult hood you should give it dry food regularly. Once your cat is in the senior stage a food specifically formulated for their age can go a long way to helping them age gracefully.
While picking up the dry food ensure the package is marked with an AAFCO approval sign. This means it will have a seal on the package showing the contents are approved by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. This means the food conforms to the minimal diet standards that the association has set up to guarantee good cat food.
Finally, you should consider what your veterinarian recommends. No one knows better than your cat’s doctor does what food is best for his or her needs. If you do not have a veterinarian recommendation then you should look for food that has high quality and consistent ingredients on the label.
What To Take Into Consideration
The most important aspect of your cat’s health is good nutrition, which as a major affect. The fact especially holds true for growing kittens. Try to give the best quality food available to you loved pet within a budget you can afford.
Before you choose which cat food to purchase you should consider several things. Included in this is your specific cat breed, their age, size and health. It is also a good idea to keep in mind where you will be feeding your cat and how much you are willing to spend on cat food. By keeping in mind these facts, you will easily be able to choose appropriate cat food for your pet, that will ensure your cats health and life.