Having a dog that will come to you when it’s called is always nice and comforting. In fact, it is more than nice. It is a basic requirement. To have a dog with you also keep you away from dangerous situations. But is your dog is properly trained? Do you fall into this category?
- Does your dog embarrass you in public?
- Does your dog chew, bark, or whine excessively?
- Is your dog aggressive towards other dogs or people?
Thus this is the time to start his obedience training. Well, if you have not started the dog obedience training process yet there is nothing to worry. It can be started from now on also.
The perfect age to start any training from is usually eight months. That is when puppies are mature enough to get the hang of everything. All you need is the right kind of approach that you should have to nail anything that you start with. One reason for doing the basic dog obedience training is to build a framework from which the owner and the dog can learn to effectively rehearse with each other. First, you can start the obedience training by establishing a general language for both of you. In return, this will train your dog to understand the exact response manner that you await instead of his maladaptive traits.
Hand signals on obedience dog training
Hand signals on dog obedience training we practice commonly used basic commands. Obedience training ranges from very basic training, such as teaching the dog to reliably respond to basic commands such as “sit”, “come”, and “stay”. Some other dog commands are: fetch, lie down, roll over, bark, beg, come, sniff, wag, bark, scratch etc. Dog obedience training starts first with sit and come training. Make sure that it pays attention to your commands and not get distracted.
It is advisable to combine verbal command with hand signals to enhance your pet’s knowledge about it. They will soon respond to either verbal or hand signal once they learn to relate your hand signal with the desired action.
One of the basic commands is the sit command. There are several methods of teaching your dog to sit. The best way to train a dog in this command is perhaps to say sit to the dog and then push it down a little bit. As dogs do not know what you are talking about and they can get your language the best way to go about it is to show it to him exactly what you mean. After a little while the dog will finally understand that by saying the word sit you actually mean sit.
Once your dog learns to sit the next command will be the stay command. Put your dog in the sit position at your left side. Move your right foot a quarter of a turn and tell him STAY in a firm voice. Do not use his name in this lesson. Move back where you were after a couple of seconds and praise. Gradually repeat this exercises turning with more steps until you can stand right in front of him while he stays. Always praise him after you return to your original position. Repeat this every day for a week until he is reliable
Come command is another command that people like to teach their dog. This command is another easy one to teach. Just hold a treat in your hand and run away from the dog. He will start chasing you which is when you let him catch up and give him a treat. Make sure to praise him with a head pat too! The come command is handy when your dog is off a leash in a park or on the beach.
Fetch is a simple command and is taught easily to puppies but is not beyond the grasp of older dogs as well. One of the basic methods of training the fetch command is using two toys in a bait and switch routine. The toys must be identical and something the dog enjoys playing with. Starting with the dog on a leash or a halter, hide one of the toys on your person and throw the other a short distance after showing it to your pet. Release the dog from the leash and say “fetch” or whatever cue word you choose. The dog will chase after the toy and, most likely, will pick it up.
Other than these there are other basic dog training command like heel, down, roll, no, drop, leave which can be taught to the dog to make you proud of him. You can easily teach your dog all the basic commands but most Important Is that you have fun with your dog. A happy dog will always be the dog that responds to your every command. Have a fun day with your dog!