They’re cute, curly, and cuddly, and you could be going home with one today! Poodle puppies make great pets, and you’ll need to know just what they need in order to be most comfortable in your home, so here are some for being a great poodle owner.
No matter which poodle breed you decide to purchase, you should know that some poodles tend to be a little reclusive or anti-social, and aren’t very friendly around strangers – unless they are trained. You will need to socialize your poodle puppies by placing them in an environment where people will be present often, so that it won’t be so overwhelming for the dogs when you have people over or take the puppies on an outing.
One of the things you need to do is to ensure that your poodle puppies are taken to vet often for their checkups, this is because poodles generally have vision problems quite often, Their eyes need to look alert and should be shiny. If you start noticing film around the eyes, or even if your poodle puppy’s are often running, it is a possibility of the onset of a cataract. being able to treat this condition in it’s early stages is an important factor, and you should take them immediately to your vet should you notice that your poodles vision seem cloudy. Poodle puppies tend to also be prone to ear infections, so you have to ensure that your puppy’s ears are check out by your vet also. Having a hearing test for your poodle puppy should also be done and don’t forget that the proper medication is given to them as directed by your vet.
Poodle’s tend to have sensitive skin and you may notice this often, so you have to make sure that some grooming products would not be used for grooming your poodle. It is common to see poodle owners dye their dog’s hair in different colors, or shampoo the fur with expensive shampoos. Be aware however, that the chemicals in some these products could be harmful to your poodle puppies, and this could cause skin irritations and rashes. Further your poodle might develop allergies with such products, so should notice that your poodle is sluggish, or is perhaps often sneezing, then you should leave the grooming to professionals or have them do it in your home.