Canine Training 101: Your Guide To A Better Pooch

TIP! While training your puppy or dog to use a crate, introduce him to new concepts slowly and gradually, so he is able to adjust to the changes without feeling stressed. After they become used to each individual step and do not mind going inside the crate, try shutting the door and giving them treats with the door closed.

Training a dog has a world of benefits. It can make your dog more well behaved, and you can understand how to be a better owner. If you are wondering what the positives are from training your dog, then this article will help to fill in the blanks. Continue reading to find out how to properly train your dog.

TIP! Think of a word you can use as a command during training. A positive word will give your dog time to obey.

Whenever you have to correct your dog, make sure to speak using short and sharp language. Avoid going on a rant about the dog’s “badness”. Just tell them no, and redirect them to the task you are asking them to do. Also speak with authority so they understand you mean business.

TIP! Training your dog to start rolling over is easy, but be sure to have some treats. First, place your dog in the “down” position.

If you want a well-trained dog, you must be willing to offer generous and appropriate rewards. If you give your dog some treats at the proper time, they will respond to training. A dog quickly forgets his actions, so you must reward him immediately to reinforce his behaviors.

TIP! Remember to exercise patience whenever training your dog. This will keep you and your pupy from becoming frustrated or angry.

When using a crate to train your dog, you’ll want to make sure that you select the right size. You should keep in mind that your dog will get bigger. Choose a crate which will be the right size for the dog when he grows up. The crate should be big enough for the dog to turn and lie down comfortably without feeling cramped.

TIP! Pay attention to the length of your dog training sessions. Your dog will get bored and antsy if you spend too much time on one thing.

Be careful not to reinforce negative behaviors. In other words, you must avoid showering your pet with treats or rewards in response to performing some unwanted behavior. This includes things like petting them when they jump on you at the door.

TIP! In order for your training to be effective, you have to understand that you’ll need to be firm. However, don’t be too demanding or cruel as you want to be a loving master.

Modify and update your dog’s training as necessary, so he remains in compliance with the rules. Do not assume that your dog will remember his training all his life. Some dogs will revert back to negative behaviors if the training does not continue. Your dog must follow the rule system strictly.

Negative Effects

TIP! Start your dog off on the right foot by installing good habits early on. It is much easier to get a dog to learn the right way rather than making it unlearn its bad habits.

Refrain from using shock collars and similar training devices. They are often scams and, in any case, are completely unnecessary to proper canine training. These devices can stifle your dog’s natural reactions and have negative effects on even good or acceptable behaviors. In general, using such techniques produces negative effects.

TIP! Dogs are capable of knowing the right and the wrong things to do with proper and consistent training. This means to set firm rules for everyone to follow regarding your pet.

Set small, easy goals when you start training your dog. You will both get instant gratification and establish a good foundation which you and your dog can build on. This ensures your outcome is positive.

TIP! Don’t send mixed signals to your dog when he misbehaves. If you express amusement after poor behavior, the dog is likely to do it again.

When training your pet, see to it that you get its attention all the time. Use his or her name when giving a command. Get their attention and then follow up with whatever you want them to do. Dogs listen for their name because they know it means you will say something else.

TIP! Think about what triggers your dog’s barking. Knowing the triggers will help you control the behavior.

In order to have a great dog, you need to learn control and firmness. You want to avoid being strict all of the time. You need to find the right mixture of strictness and love. This way you will develop a strong bond with your dog.

TIP! Big dogs that like to stretch out or lie on their backs need a big bed. You can buy large beds for your dog, or crib mattresses also work well.

A new dog requires teaching proper obedience training right from the beginning. Your dog should learn the right ways of doing things instead of developing bad habits that will need to be corrected later on. Giving your dog scraps from the table is just training the dog that begging gets results, so don’t do it!

TIP! Reinforce positive behavior throughout the training process. Negative behavior should be ignored.

If you plan on taking a trip with your dog, pack all they will need to sleep, eat and go to the bathroom. Pack his feeding bowls, potty bags, toys, blankets and everything else needed for his care and comfort. Don’t worry too much about food though. You can buy it there.

TIP! Use high-value treats when training for the best results. Since these treats will be handed out sparingly, it should not matter too much if they are usually off limit items.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to training your dog. If you use this article’s advice and use what you’ve learned, dog training can become enjoyable. You will both have fun and learn to work as a team.

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