Training your dog is the responsible thing to do. Dogs who are well trained tend to be happier. They know what to expect and when to expect it. This also provides a safer environment for you, the dog, and your neighbors. Read this article to assist you with the training of your dog.
Training Session
A main focus of training is timing your sessions appropriately. Begin with a training session that lasts a few minutes, and do it for a bit longer every day. Notice when your dog begins getting distracted during a training session.
Ensure that your dog gets enough activity. Dogs become bored very easily. Dogs with no enthusiasm will be harder to train than active dogs. When your dog is exercised and is happy, training will be easier. Lead your dog on the path to fitness by walking or jogging every day.
Dogs have a short attention span and you will have to attract his attention. Repetition and practice will result in your dog waiting to take cues from you rather than being distracted by other things.
The first thing your dog must learn is who the boss is. Be friendly with your dog, but also be firm. When you walk your dog, walk in front of him to establish leadership.
As training progresses, dogs can be given more freedom because they are more reliable. Rewarding them by showing them you trust them more will only encourage better behavior. Be cautious on not giving your dog too much freedom right away, because this could have a bad effect when it comes to your dog’s training.
Always be patient when you train your dog. Patience is the best way to keep your dog from becoming confused and for you to remain calm. Keep in mind that they wish to please you; however, they get confused because they can’t understand your language.
Spray your dog with water when it does something you don’t like. Your dog will quickly learn that bad behaviors cause bad outcomes. Afterwards your dog won’t do these things anymore.
It’s important to remember that all of the things you do with your dog are building its behavior and personality. This is especially important when it comes to playtime. You want to really mold your pet by working towards a desired behavior.
You must understand that older dogs have certain limitations. Sometimes, an old dog will have some limitations for what they can learn. Keep in mind that adopting an older dog means the chance of getting a dog already set in how they do things. Teaching them some new things might be possible, but it’s easier to eliminate the biggest negatives while leaving the rest of them alone.
Keep your dog invested in its training by improving the treats as you go. These treats cannot be confused with every day treats at first, because you need to create a sense of specialness which will encourage the dog to obey your commands, since they know that the treats they will be receiving are out of the ordinary.
Remember that you are in charge of your dog. You are the one leading him. Use the correct tools, such as a harness and leash, and keep him at your heel or stop walking completely when he pulls. Do not forget you are the master.
If you have a large dog, and he likes to stretch out, get the dog a big bed. There are large, rectangular beds available for big dogs, or you could just get your dog a crib mattress. You can buy several crib sheets, and change the cover of the mattress as often as you would like. Just so you know, these mattresses are typically waterproof.
This article will help you and your dog function better in society. Owning a disciplined, well-behaved dog can make your job as a pet owner far more manageable. If you decide to train your dog on your own, or instead hire a professional, having a trained, obedient dog will allow you to fully enjoy the companionship of your animal.
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