Puppy Training Tips That Will Work For You

TIP! When you are working on crate training with your dog or puppy small steps is what works best for them to get used to it. When they’ve settled down with the gate open, slowly shut it and pass treats through the gate.

Your dog is an important part of your family and it is important that you figure out the proper way to train it. This article is full of useful training tips. It’s important to become educated about training when you are beginning your training.

TIP! A healthy diet is essential for your dog. Feeding your dog bad food is very bad for several different reasons.

There are few effective ways to approach the matter of crate training your puppy or dog. If your pet is nervous about the crate, consider putting a toy or treat inside to motivate them to go in. They will see and smell the bone and will want you to let them in there to get it. Once they enter the crate, be sure to praise them to show that what they did was good.

TIP! If you plan on housebreaking your pet, you must work hard to avoid any preventable mistakes. Watch your dog carefully and learn the signs that they need to go outside.

Reprimands should be delivered quickly and in a sharp tone. It’s not good to rant about how bad your dog is. Just say no, then show it what to do instead. Do not scream, but rather use a loud and firm voice so they understand that you are serious.

TIP! To reduce the barking of your dog, try getting them used to what causes the barking in the first place. Maybe it’s a specific sound, or perhaps it’s being near other people or certain animals.

When using a crate to train your dog, you’ll want to make sure that you select the right size. Remember, puppies grow up. You need a crate that can still fit the puppy once it becomes a dog. Dogs need room to move about and lie down, and they should not be cramped.

TIP! Use your dog’s name often to get and keep his attention. You puppy will develop the association between his name being called, and him needing to pay attention to what you are telling him.

To strengthen your training efforts, you can use a designated verbal command to help your animal know what your expectations are and when they have been fulfilled. For example, using the word “yes” can let your dog know they can retrieve their reward.

TIP! When implementing discipline with your dog, monitor your tone of voice. Dogs can be very perceptive and can pick up cues from their owners about how the owner is feeling.

Patience is key in training your dog. You will not get frustrated or mad and neither will your pet. Understand that your dog actually wants to please you, however he/she can be confused with what it is you want them to do.

TIP! Spray bottles are the perfect deterrent for bad behavior. This helps show him that you will not tolerate certain behaviors.

Start training with something simple. It will provide almost instant gratification, and it will show your dog what is expected. This way you will have better results throughout the course of your training experience.

TIP! When you begin training your dog, do not give him a treat or reward just to make him stop misbehaving. This is sure to send the message that the dog has free reign and can control you.

Make sure your dog knows how to obey, to reduce the frequency of their barks. When your dog barks, show them a treat and repeat the order, for instance, ‘be quiet’ until it stops barking. Then, you can treat them. If you repeat this long enough, your dog will associate the treat and then the order with being quiet.

Train a puppy to accept a leash by playing with the puppy while it wears its collar. Leashes are important for control and identification if you lose your pet.

TIP! Do you have a dog that pulls at the leash? This issue is often faced by dog owners, but is quite easy to fix. Purchase a harness, which can reduce the pull on your dog.

Water spray bottles can be used to avert bad behavior. A quick spritz instantly deters your dog from the undesirable behavior. Soon, you will see an improvement in your dog’s behavior.

TIP! If you can read your dog’s unique behaviors and traits, you can readily avoid indoor accidents. Most dogs have a specific pattern of behavior indicating a need to eliminate.

Praise is just as important as rewards when you are training your dog. Get excited, smile, and give treats to help your dog relate the good behavior to something positive. Be careful that you do not inadvertently reward unwanted behavior or your dog will think you want him to repeat it.

TIP! Make sure your dog eats well and has lots of toys. Otherwise, he may dig in trash.

Just by reading this article, you have proven that you are serious about training your dog. Choosing to follow some of the advice and tips in this article, will not only make you a better trainer, but a better listener, who can understand the needs of your dog. Use this advice to help your dogs behavior improve.

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