That first day with your new puppy is a joyous one to be sure. Unfortunately, frustration can soon follow for many pet owners as they struggle to peacefully co-exist with their new family member. As you pick up after your dog, you might regret your decision to have one. You can bring back that joy you felt at the beginning by teaching your new dog how to behave. This article is packed with practical and proven advice for training your pet pooch.
Always maintain a calm environment as you enter any room your dog occupies. Play time is beneficial to your dog, however, you need to teach your dog to be calm as you enter any room. When you enter the room, ignore excessive agitation on your dog’s part. By ignoring the behavior, you will extinguish it.
When using a crate to train your dog, you’ll want to make sure that you select the right size. Keep in mind that puppies grow up. Be sure to select a crate that allows your dog to have ample room as it grows. The dog must have enough room to lie down and turn around without getting crowded.
Before you begin training your dog, you need to establish yourself as the alpha. You need to establish your authority, or he will ignore your commands. Do not let your dog walk ahead of you when you go on walks.
As your dog becomes better when it comes to training your dog, you can start giving it more freedom. Rewarding them by showing them you trust them more will only encourage better behavior. Just make sure your dog is properly trained before giving him so much slack.
Be prepared to reward the dog as soon as it completes a positive behavior. The treat helps your dog to know that you think he has done well. This will teach your dog what behavior is correct and expected.
As you train the dog, patience is essential. Using patience helps prevent frustration for both you and the dog. Your dog wants to make you happy, but sometimes it just does not understand you.
“Leave it” is a command that should be taught and reinforced early on. This will help prevent them from chewing on your furniture or other items, as well as prevent them from having dangerous items in their mouths.
In order to encourage good behavior during training, praise is critical. Positive reinforcements include treats, smiles and pats on the head. Do not reward unwanted behavior.
There are many elements to training your dog; patience may be the most important. When you employ the training tips from this article, you are setting the stage for a long and happy life with your dog. Your dog won’t be trained overnight, but with patience and persistence, you will have a trained dog before you know it.
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