Helping Your Dog When It Has Had A Stroke

It may come as a shock to you to find out that your dog has suffered from a stroke. Unlike humans, when a dog has a stroke, he often won’t become paralyzed or display any of the human signs of stroke. In fact, with the right care and attention, chances are he will bounce right back within a short period after suffering from a stroke, especially if he has a little help.

How To Tell Your Dog Has Had A Stroke?
Often, there are a few signs that will tell you that your dog is suffering from a stroke. These usually include loss of sight, falling over, and tilting and turning of the head. If you notice your dog displaying these symptoms, you should take him to the vet to rule out other serious health problems such as brain disease, which may be the underlying cause of the symptoms.

Often, pet owners are not aware that their dog has suffered from a stroke.  If your pet is advanced in years, seems off color, or acting strangely, he may have suffered a stroke. The best way to find out for sure is to take him to the vet for an examination. Once there, the vet will put your dog under anesthesia, and run some tests to find out what is causing your dog to act strangely.

My Dog Has Had A Stroke, What Should I Do?
If your dog has had a stroke, it is important to remember that dogs don’t suffer as badly from strokes as humans do, and they will recover faster than humans. Once your dog has had a stroke, there is not a lot that your vet can do for him. In most cases, there is no magical cure, or special pill, all your vet will do is confirm that it was a stroke, and rule out the dangerous diseases that may be causing your dog to suffer from the strokes.

However, there are some things that you, the owner of your dog, can do to help with his recovery. Because you share a close owner-pet bond, your dog will recover faster if you are around to care for him, and cheer him on as he starts getting better. Make sure that he has a warm cozy place to rest, and plenty of encouragement, and love from you, to remind him of why he wants to get better.

You may also need to encourage your pet to eat, and drink soon after he has suffered from a stroke, and help him onto his feet, and encourage him to take bathroom breaks outside. Exercise, especially strenuous exercise, should be avoided. Once your dog is feeling well enough, he will soon tell you when he is ready to start going on walks again. After a matter of weeks, he will be starting to get back to his old self.

Don’t forget that once your dog has recovered, he will still need plenty of love, and encouragement, and may not be as agile as he was before the stroke. Strokes can keep reoccurring in dogs, so keep a close eye on him.

To find out more about pet health visit Natures Healthy Pet