How often do you hear an owner shout, ‘Bad dog’ when what really needs to be said is ‘bad handler’. The feeling is very irritating when a dog jumps on you and puts paw prints over everything you’re wearing. When your front yard is the chosen venue for the next door dog to leave his many calling cards, this is also frustrating. The dogs are no worse than the children of the neighbor. What else other than bad behavior can you expect from animals and kids when the concerned adults have no idea what they are supposed to do?
The dog ought to be given pre-set behavioral limits when inside or when it is taken to public places. Sensible owners take the help of dog trainers who teaches them proper handling methods without breaking the natural spirit. Your vet office or local pet stores can put you in touch with trainers who hold group discussions with the owners along with their pet; or enroll in an online course to tackle any problems instantly.
A section of this training is involved with tutoring the owner how to handle his pet. There is a saying amongst trainers however that it is far easier to train dogs than the people that own them! Dogs need to practice when they are taught to walk with leash when they are taken out and for this they need to walk around in a yard or any other area. Owner and other residents get irritated when these animals bark even if it is a typical occurrence. When they bark, they are simply communicating with us; a reprimand him might give them the wrong signal and confuse them.
So why does a dog bark? Well, just like a young child or baby, it needs attention, food or something to drink. The noise of a dog barking can alarm the owners of a burglar intrusion so attempting to stop him from doing this may work against you. It is wrong to encourage a puppy to bark and then punish him for barking when he attains adulthood.
Trainers teach you how to promote the dog behavior you prefer by praising your pet and giving them the occasional treat. How do you make your puppy stop the undesired behavior? Well, simply learn to reward him when he does something which is ‘desired’ behavior. Don’t waste your time trying to teach a dog some behavioral pattern which contradicts his natural breed. To make your pet follow specific behavioral training, you ought to choose one from a breed with can give you what you need. Dedication, patience and a loving attitude are needed if you wish to train a dog.