No one is born a natural horseman. With natural horsemanship you can communicate with the horse and further understand its cues naturally by using your instincts. The horse could sense your understanding and it could eventually form a bond between the horseman and the horse. Various trainers have developed horse training techniques and specially incorporated the gentleness of natural horsemanship.
You can further develop your horse training techniques based on your experience as you get to know your horse. New trainers often provides fresh ideas in horse training. The ‘Round pen technique’ is one of the famous techniques. A round shaped pen is used in this technique to train the horse. Thus, the horse always could maintain eye contact with the trainer and won’t get restricted to a corner since there are no corners. The horse keeps moving forward as a result. The round pen technique is well-known for its efficiency in natural horse training which could also be a sound investment.
One of the well-known techniques in training foals is the imprinting. Being extremely young, imprinting can expose them to touch and other sensations that it has to come across throughout its life. With imprinting, your foal could be trained to control its response to certain smells, sounds, and feelings. Another form of technique is the imprinting which is a highly rewarding horse training technique. The trick is to get to the young horse as soon as you can.
The ‘Single rein riding’ is also a famous technique. In this horse training technique you go around a round or oval pen with a halter and lead rope and not a bridle and reins. The principle applied here is that “a horse moves away from pressure”. Apply pressure on the lead rope on the horse’s neck for him to divert his direction if you want the horse to move.
To stop a horse, lean forward slightly and swing the rope in front of the horse’s nose and take it to the other side. Instead of pulling the rope to slow the horse down, you can just adjust the angle of the turn and shift the body weight slightly. A naturally trained horse could easily get the cue and slow down. On the other side, a naurally trained horse would get scared when he see the rope in front of his nose.
You would find various equipments, products, material developed by trainers for natural horse training techniques. Each horse training technique has an end objective i.e. it can be for general training or for specific problem behavior training or certain discipline training.
You can try various horse training techniques to train your horse. On the basis of your experience you may also come up with certain techniques of your own. It is a continuous process and the learning never really stops. If you want to come up with innovative horse training techniques, you can integrate your learning with the horse training techniques too.