Easy Dog Training Tips

Educating yourself about dog training is the first step you take before actually training your dog. There are plenty of sources one can access, but at times it becomes information overload.

Dog training is not really all that difficult. One thing to remember is that most dogs just want to make their owner happy. The problem can be communication. Of course there is a language barrier, and you need to get your dog to understand what you want.

Canine training can be summed up with just a few tips. Lets take a look at some of the methods that I have used in order to train my dog, making both he and I happier.

Try to avoid the negatives that often come with training. Hitting or striking your dog, either by hand or with an object will only teach the dog to fear you. A stern verbal NO, is OK, but do not go any further physically, or you risk alienating your dog. Focusing on praise and rewards when your dog acts as it should is the better way to go.

Praising your dog will reinforce the correct behavior. Loving or petting your dog for acting positive behaviors is of course nice, but experience has shown better results happen when food treats are distributed at the time the behaviors observed. Think about it, food motivates humans, so to it works with our four legged companions.

Body language can also influence your dog’s reactions. Many canines can actually can actually sense and read your body language before any verbal communication is given. A technique that works well in doing this is to match a verbal instruction with the specific movement of either the hand, arm, or even leg.

Never giving up is the final key to successful dog training. Sure at times it is frustrating. It would certainly be easier to give up, go sit on the couch and watch your DirecTV, but you need to be consistent in your training. Your dog is not going to train himself, and training usually takes longer than you want it to. It is so important to keep this in mind when things are difficult with your dog. Things will not always fall into place, so do not give up at the first sign of trouble.

Training your dog can be both a difficult and rewarding experience. Keeping these brief tips in mind will help you keep on track in your dog training efforts.